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Crime Prevention

Crime prevention is being aware that a crime can occur; anticipating its form, location, time, and victim; and taking some action to reduce its chances of happening.

Crime Prevention at ATI

Crime prevention takes four forms:

  • Interruption of a crime in progress.
  • Reduction of opportunities to commit crimes
  • Incapacitation of those who commit crimes.
  • Elimination of the desire to commit crimes.

The capability of the staff, facility, and student body to become safe and secure requires a partnership with the local law enforcement agencies. When we understand and apply prevention techniques we become powerful forces for reducing crime on our campuses. To have a viable crime prevention program working at all ECPI locations, the crime prevention program must receive attention at the highest level, and direction and support at all levels. Crime affects all of us. The only way to defeat it is by working together … teamwork between the police department and all staff, faculty and students.

Crime Prevention Strategies

  • Educate staff, faculty and students
  • Hold meetings and disseminate information
  • Institute projects with common interests to all
  • Survey and install appropriate devices (surveillance equipment/security system)
  • Implement property marking programs
  • Provide local speakers on issues of a crime prevention nature

Campus Safety

Staff, faculty and students are to observe proper safety rules at all times. All accidents on Campus involving staff, faculty and students, ATI property or automobiles should be reported to the Administrative Services Department promptly via General Request Form.

Burglary & Theft

The definition of burglary and theft is the illegal act of entering a building with intent to commit a Crime. A person commits an act of theft if he/she unlawfully obtains property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it. To report a burglary or theft, submit a General Request Form to the Administrative Services Department and contact the local enforcement agency. Should suspect a burglar is still in the building, remove yourself from the building as soon as possible.


The definition of a robbery is a theft in which the robber intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly injures another person, or intentionally or knowingly threatens another person with imminent bodily injury or death. The victim should attempt to remember the following:

  • Remain calm and listen to the robber’s demands. If you panic, you increase the possibility of violence
  • Do not resist a robber’s efforts to take your property
  • Observe the suspect’s physical description (i.e., sex, race age clothing worn)

It is the responsibility of all staff, faculty and students to notify Administrative Services if a suspected robbery is in progress

Felonious or Malicious Assault

These are defined as crimes, which occur when someone intentionally or knowingly threatens another person with bodily injury or someone intentionally or knowingly injures another person. If medical assistance is required, call 911 and notify Administrative Services. The staff/faculty member involved should summit a report of the incident to Administrative Services as soon after the incident as practical.

Registered Sex Offender Information

The Department of Education requires institutions to advise students and staff where law enforcement agency information provided by a State under section 170101(j) of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (42 U.S.C. 14071(j)), concerning registered sex offenders may be found. Find that information for the State of Virginia, here.

Sex Crimes

The investigation of sex crimes, such as sexual assault, and indecent exposure, is handled by the Sex Crimes Unit of your local police department, emergency number 911. Report such an incident to the Administrative Services Department.

What Should You Do if You’re a Rape Victim?

Many victims of sexual assault don’t know where to turn for help, or what to do. They may be afraid or ashamed to talk to anybody; or they may try to act as though nothing happened.If you’ve been assaulted, get help quickly. Call the police. They can take you to the hospital, put you in touch with community services, and get information about the crime from you that will help them arrest the rapist.If you prefer not to call the police right away, get help from a friend, your doctor, or a hospital emergency room, or contact rape or other crises programs usually have a hotline number you can call day or night. They can explain your choices, offer counseling, and even contact the police for you.

The most important thing to remember after an attack is that you should not touch anything, changes your clothes, wash, or douche until you have contacted the police and been to the hospital. If you do, you may accidentally destroy valuable evidence that the police and prosecutor might need to arrest and convict your attacker. If an incident occurs on school grounds, notify the Administrative Services Department promptly.