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There are some basic best-practices to follow when traversing to, from, in class, or on the shop floor that assist us in keeping every one at ATI safe.

Alerts & Safety Procedures


Elevators are the scene of many serious crimes-robberies, assaults, and sexual attacks. For those campuses with elevators, follow these crime prevention tips:

  • Look into the elevator before entering
  • Don’t get on an elevator if you are at all uncomfortable with anyone in it
  • Check the car’s direction before you get in
  • Stay near the control panel, even when alone
  • The red button or indicator is the emergency stop. Use it if you are in trouble.
  • Report all vandalism and malfunctions to the Administrative Services Department promptly


Students are to park only in designated parking areas. Under extenuating circumstances, the Vice President may grant special permission for students to park in other areas, and such permission will be noted on students’ ID cards. Some campuses issue window stickers for parking; the sticker should be placed on the left side of the rear window. Violators of parking policies are subject to probation, suspension, or dismissal. Handicapped parking spaces are reserved for students, visitors, or employees who display an appropriate state-issued handicap placard or license plate.

The Institute assumes no responsibility for the care or protection of any vehicle or its contents at any time it is operated or parked on the campus.

Auto Theft

Vehicle thefts should be reported as soon as possible to the Administrative Services Department via a General Request Form and the local police department.

    • Park at designated location
    • Park in well lighted area
    • Roll up windows complete
    • Take your keys
    • Lock your car
    • Do not leave valuables in sight to tempt a thief
    • Never hide a spare key on the vehicle
    • If possible, walk to your car with a buddy in the eveni

Lost and Found

Personal items found on ATI’s premises should be turned in to the student window or front office and may be claimed upon demonstration of ownership. Items turned in will normally be retained for 30 days. ATI does not carry insurance to cover loss of personal property nor does it assume responsibility for such loss.

Fire Emergency

The fire alarm system will sound if there is a fire or other emergency necessitating building evacuation. Upon hearing the alarm, everyone is to leave the building by the nearest exit. In multi-story locations, use the stairwells (not elevators). Students should not re-enter the building until told to do so by an ATI official. Exit routes are posted in all student areas. Fire extinguishers are strategically placed for emergency use.

Emergency Management Plan

The Advanced Technology Institute Emergency Management Plan outlines appropriate responses to be taken by campus management, students, visitors and employees in the event of a threat to the well-being of a campus and its occupants. The approved approach to emergency management responses at Advanced Technology Institute providing detail about the steps to be followed in execution of the plan are available here: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN PDF Document.

Upon Receipt of a Bomb Threat Call:

  • Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Ask the person to repeat the message and record every word spoken by the person.
  • If the caller does not indicate the location of the bomb or the time of the detonation, you should ask the person for this information.
  • Inform the caller that the building is occupied and detonation of a bomb could result in death or serious injury to many innocent people.
  • Pay particular attention to peculiar background noises such as motor running, background music, and any other noise, which may give a clue as to the location of the caller.
  • Listen closely to the voice (male, female), voice quality (calm, excited), accents and speech impediments. Immediately after the caller hangs up, report the information in sequence to:
    • Provost
    • Department

    When To Call the Police:

    Whenever you observe suspicious events, even though you may not be the only person observing them, call the Administrative Services Department. Never think that the next person will do what you should do.

    Often we fail to call because we are not sure if what we see is suspicious. If you are in doubt, call the Administrative Services Department promptly. Don’t wait to talk it over with fellow students or other staff/faculty.

    What Is Suspicious?

    • Someone carrying property such as TV’s, computers, office equipment, etc., at an unusually late hour or in an unusual place, especially if it does not appear that the property is newly purchased.
    • The sound of shattering glass could signal a possible burglary, vandalism or larceny in progress.
    • Anyone peering into vehicles while walking through the parking lot or someone removing tags, gasoline or parts from a car; someone attempting to enter a car using a coat hanger or other device. Never assume that it is the owner who has locked his keys in the car. Be suspicious of anyone tampering with the hood or trunk or a car.
    • An improperly parked car or an abandoned vehicle, or someone leaving one car and driving away in another-these may be signs of a stolen vehicle.
    • Anyone being forced into a vehicle could be the victim of a possible abduction.
    • Persons loitering around school or parking area. Loiterers could be possible sex offenders or burglars.
    • Business transactions conducted from a vehicle, especially around school grounds and often involving juveniles, a steady flow of strangers to and from a particular location on a regular basis at unusual times or late hours. This could indicate drug sales or a fencing operation.
    • Offers of goods or repair work at unusually low prices could indicate stolen property or some type of fraud.
    • All fights, screams and loud noises (such as explosions) should be reported, as possible crimes or life-threatening events could be taking place.