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Safety Report

ATI faculty and staff are concerned that all students and employees experience a safe and secure environment while at our school. It is the responsibility of every student and employee to be aware of safety and security matters and to promptly report any crime to school officials and to the local police.

ATI Safety Report

In compliance with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, the Annual Security report is available here (ATI Annual Security Report). The ASR and the Campus Security Policy and Report is also available to prospective students upon request to the Campus Vice President. The report discusses safety and security issues such as the importance of prompt reporting of crimes, campus security procedures, and statistics for the prior three calendar years, as well as other pertinent information.

No later than October 1 of each year, current students and employees receive the annual Crime Awareness and Campus Security Report. A Catalog Insert entitled Safety Report is available on the University web site and from the front office.

All members of the ATI Community and visitors are required to obey ATI regulations. They reflect the policies set by the President and Board of Trustees as well as local, state, and federal laws. Observed, they help to provide a safe environment for all of our staff and students engaged in a wide range of activities.

Advanced Technology Institute respects and protects the individual dignity, integrity and reputation of its students. Students must comply with the conventions and regulations that are necessary to maintain order, protect individuals and property, and fulfill the purposes and responsibilities of our schools. Advanced Technology Institute is responsible under state law for maintaining order and is empowered to exclude those who are disruptive.

Reporting A Crime Or Emergency

Criminal activities and emergencies occurring on ATI facilities should be reported immediately to the Campus Vice President or Director of Training either in person or via telephone.

An Advanced Technology Institute representative and local authorities will investigate the incident, document the information, and take appropriate action.

Crimes that occur at student housing should be reported to the police department having legal jurisdiction for that area, and to Administrative Service office.
The Campus Vice President or Director of Training will ensure that all reports of criminal activities or other emergencies occurring on campus will be reported and recorded at each ATI location. Monthly/quarterly reports will be forwarded to the ATI Administration office at the corporate office.

ATI Administration will maintain a record of the following criminal offenses reported to campus security authorities or local police agencies:

  • Criminal Homicide
    • Murder & non-negligent manslaughter
    • Negligent manslaughter
  • Sex Offenses (including forcible and non-forcible)
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Burglary
  • Motor Vehicle Theft
  • Arson
  • Arrests and Disciplinary Action Referrals for: Drug and Liquor Law Violations & Illegal Weapons Possession
  • Hate Crimes includes the following offenses determined to be hate crimes:
    • Larceny/Theft
    • Simple Assault
    • Intimidation
    • Destruction of Property/Damaged Property/Vandalism of Property
  • Domestic Violence
  • Dating Violence
  • Stalking