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Student Conduct and Responsibilities


Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy

ATI Safety Report and our Advanced Technology Institute Electronic Catalog provide our Possession and Use of Alcohol and/or Illegal Drugs Policies.

Copyright Infringement Policy and Sanctions

Read Our Policy Here.

Attendance Policy

ATI believes students should follow a policy of regular attendance and punctuality to receive the maximum benefit from an ATI education and to develop the work habits and personal qualities highly valued by employers. Therefore, students are expected to attend all regularly scheduled class meetings. The student should attempt to notify their course instructor in advance of any anticipated absence. Instructors and staff may likewise contact the student if the student is absent.

Documentation is required for all excused/ approved absences. An excused/approved absence does not remove an absence from attendance records, but allows makeup work to be completed and/or grade excusal. Unexcused/unapproved absences, including late arrivals and early departures, will result in a grade of “Zero” for all missed assignments, quizzes, and exams.

Missing more than 15% of class time for any reason may result in the student being withdrawn from that course. Specific courses may have more stringent attendance policies in order to meet programmatic accreditation requirements.

On the first day of class for each course, the instructor will make the course syllabus available which includes the specific attendance policy and opportunities, if any, to make up missed assignments for that course.

Instructors may request an Academic Review Board for a student whose absences from class interfere with the student’s ability to meet course objectives. An Academic Review Board may also be conducted if a pattern of excessive absences is identified. Action may result in the student being removed from the course, probation, or suspension.
Students are encouraged to contact the instructor for the course if the student anticipates being late for class. Being tardy is defined as student arrival after the scheduled course start time. Leaving prior to class dismissal is considered early departure. Students are not allowed to disrupt academic processes and, at the instructor’s discretion, admission to a class may be denied to tardy students until the next class break. Late arrivals and early departures, including to and from scheduled breaks, are subject to attendance percentage totals and will affect a student’s record of attendance and course participation grade.

A student who has not attended a course for 14 consecutive calendar days will be withdrawn from the course. A student who has not attended any courses for which s/he is enrolled for 14 consecutive calendar days will be administratively withdrawn from the College.

If a student believes their attendance record is in error, a written request challenging the error may be submitted to the Director of Education within two weeks of the dates/times in question.

PERFECT ATTENDANCE – Students who do not miss any class time will be recognized at graduation and will receive a Perfect Attendance Certificate and Pin.