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Campus Safety, Security, and Hazards Policy


Security & Safety

Advanced Technology Institute is committed to providing a safe, secure environment. Crime awareness and campus security are matters for which everyone must take personal responsibility. Student conduct policies strictly prohibit the possession of weapons and the use of alcohol, controlled substances, and drugs on school property, at a schoolsponsored activity or in school housing. Violation of these rules or criminal acts of any kind may result in prompt disciplinary action, including dismissal.

ATI Safety Report and our Catalog provide Campus Security information for:

  • Crime Statistics

Statistics for the three most recent calendar years can also be found at College Navigator, Campus Security.

  • Crime and Emergency Reporting Policy
  • Access Security
  • Crime Prevention Procedures and Programs
  • Possession and Use of Alcohol and/or Illegal Drugs Policy
  • Sexual Assault Procedures
  • State Registered Sex Offenders

Hazards & Safety

Substantial leather work shoes are required to avoid foot injury. Safety glasses are required for all activities in shop and classroom areas where danger of eye injury exists. Refusal to comply with safety rules is reason for dismissal from school. Steel-toed boots are required for Maritime Welding.

This policy is to inform students of the potential hazardous chemicals and the location of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) in some programs in an effort to comply with the regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

There is a written Hazardous Communication Plan available upon request.