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16 Super Semi-truck Customizations That’ll Blow You Away

tractor trailer truck

The open road. Seeing the country. Good pay. An important place in the hearts and minds of Americans.

Yes, there are a lot of reasons to become an over-the-road truck driver. The more truckers drive, the more they make, and they are in high demand (according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics). They also get to drive some sweet rigs.

If you’re interested in a career as a truck driver, you’ll certainly be interested in these tricked-out trucks:

It starts and stops with the sleeper

Each year, American truckers drive a combined distance that spans millions and millions of miles. Naturally, you’re going to want to get a good night’s sleep when you’re on the road–so you’re going to need an awesome sleeper cab.

Check out the customized sleeper on this 2007 Kenworth T600. It boasts two impressive bedrooms, three beds, a kitchen . . . and of course many of the other amenities of home–a bathroom, dining table and a television. Waking up in an awesomely comfortable sleeper is a great way to start your day, and knowing that you’ll have a comfortable place to sleep is a great feeling once you stop rolling.



Painted to fit your personality

If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine how many a killer custom paint job is worth. That’s right, you’ll be swimming in superlatives when you drive down the road in a truck with an amazing custom paint job–like this one, which features traffic-stopping red, orange, and yellow flames.

blue and green flames custom 18 wheeler

The thing that makes this truck so attractive is that the flames are layered, and its owner actually uses it to haul loads across the country.

But in case you’re not feeling full of fire, you could do something a little more personal, like this custom-painted truck that pays homage to and celebrates the brave men and women who help keep this country as free as the open road.

custom painted semi to honor servicemembers

Customize the cab

Since you’ll be spending most of your working days inside your truck, you might as well make it your own, right?

There are so many sweet customized cabs out there that it’s hard to pick the top two or three. So take a look at these 10. They feature everything from wood paneling and floors to chromed-out dashboards to custom-made, lightning bolt-inspired gear shifts.


Most importantly, though, they all have custom seats, which makes the most sense because you’re going to want to be comfortable when you’re logging hundreds of miles every working day.

See the lights

Sure, government regulations dictate that your truck will have to be well lit with headlights, break lights, and well-functioning indicators. That’s a good thing. Safety does come first, after all.

But why limit your lights to those that the government says you need? Why not make sure everyone driving down the freeway sees you coming–and going?

Look at this big rig and its plethora of custom LED lights. It’s got lights on the hood, lights in the grill, lights along the chrome running boards and lights encircling the gas tank. No way is anyone going to miss this one rolling down the road.



The cool is in the chrome

Sometimes all it takes to take a good-looking semi-truck and transform it into a great-looking semi-truck is some chrome. Grills, exhaust stacks, fender guards, mirrors–they can all benefit from some custom chrome.

The owner of this Peterbilt knew that, and took every opportunity to infuse chrome into almost everything. Most impressive, however are the awesome exhaust stacks. They’re custom. They are chrome. And they are cool.

peterbuilt with awesome chrome

Simply impressive

Sometimes it doesn’t take a lot to create an impressive custom big rig. Look at this beauty. Sure, it’s got the chrome exhaust stacks and fender guard. Yes, it’s got the low-profile windshield and custom paint job. But its awesomeness is in its simplicity.

Black and orange. Not a lot of lights. Just simple and impressive. If ZZ Top were truck drivers, this would be how they roll.

black and orange big rig

Get rolling

If you’ve ever considered a career as a truck driver, these customized semi-trucks will probably inspire you to chase your dream. If you haven’t, you might want to now–especially if you can work toward owning your own custom big rig.

Contact the Advanced Technology Institute to get rolling on your career–and start working toward your very own customized big rig. Contact us at 800-468-1093 or request information today.

Tractor-Trailer Truck Driving Training

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