You might think that scholarships for trade school are hard to find. This is not the case; most states have vast listings of locally available scholarships, lending sources and grants that can be used for vocational schools. Finding an accredited, reputable trade school gets you part of the way to success; locking in a money stream such as a scholarship or grant could make trade school a reality.
A scholarship is money given to you to pursue your education. It comes with very few strings attached, and is not meant to be repaid. Scholarships are considered income, so they are taxable. A loan, on the other hand, is meant to be repaid but can help you overcome any difference between your available cash and the cost of attending trade school. A grant generally comes from a not-for-profit institution, which means it carries no tax liability. In return for receiving the grant, the student must report out how the money was used. Ulysses S. Grant, on yet another hand, was a Civil War general and later president, and by an odd coincidence, Grant appears on the fifty-dollar bill. So your scholarship or grant could actually be a whole lotta Grants.
Learning continues throughout a person’s lifetime. Returning to school to learn or improve a skill makes you valuable, and a contributor. You could learn a trade at any age, and apply new skills to improving your life. Few adults returning to trade school, however, have a large nest egg ready to spend on tuition. Begin by checking with your own state’s offerings, often found through state educational boards. Many scholarships are available to adults; here is a sampling:
Families of military service members often can tap into scholarships offered by the different branches. The Veterans Administration has many scholarships and educational aid programs for military servicemen and women, such as VetSuccess on Campus and the Yellow Ribbon G.I. Bill Education Enhancement Program. One aspect of one program will give you $500 just for coming from a “highly rural area.” (Bonus content: the $500 bill features William McKinley, who looks grumpy. Very few $500 bills are still in circulation because when the Federal Reserve Banks get ahold of one, they destroy it.)
Federal financial aid is often in the form of grants to students, such as the Pell Grant, which offers up to $5,775 based on financial need and some other requirements. The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant is another resource; talk to your trade school’s financial aid office about this needs-based grant that offers from $100 to $4,000.
Keep in mind, too: most grants are not individually dispensed; they are federal and state monies given to institutions and programs to address specific populations, such as Native Americans, adults re-entering the workforce, and adults from economically disadvantaged or rural areas.
I am truly enjoying my time at ATI next may i graduate with a degree. ATI was a smart choice, and the instructors are…
Posted by Jason King on Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The best way to start your path to success in trade school is by contacting Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) about its many vocational programs. ATI’s financial aid office can get you started on finding funding for studies in welding, commercial driving, and other trades. With solid training from ATI, you may start finding more Benjamins than Washingtons in your wallet.
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